Chicken Parmesan: A new spin on an old classic

{ Chef’s Note: So, I was wandering through the store today, wondering what to have for dinner, and inspiration struck. I wanted to something a little different, but at least a little close to my diet-y type eating habits. I also wanted it to be cheap and easy to make. This is what I came up with, and I hope you enjoy! }


> Chicken breasts or tenders (about one piece per person to be served)
> 1 jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce
> salt
> pepper
> chili powder
> rice
> white pepper
> chicken bouillon cubes
> shredded mozzarella cheese


1. First things first, get your rice cooking according to the package directions. Whether you’re using a a rice cooker or the stove, this will get the ball rolling.
2. Season your chicken with all of the seasonings listed above. How much of each you use is going to be up to you.

3. Boil some water and let your bouillon dissolve. When that’s ready add your seasoned meat and bouillon to a semi deep baking pan to cook.

4. Place in over at approximately 350-375 depending on the size of the portions. (Larger pieces means a higher temperature.)
5. Make sure when you take them out you cut through one to make sure your meat it cooked all the way through.
6. Drain the bouillon off the meat and add a layer of spaghetti sauce and cover in cheese.

7. Place back in the oven (you may also set your oven to broil, which will help get the browned, bubbly cheese), making sure to keep a careful eye out.
8. Remove.

9. Serve over rice and enjoy!

A new spin on an old classic

Some possible variations:

1. Garish: Parsley or basil.
2. Sauce: Alfredo, with parmesan rather than mozzarella
3. Starch: Brown rice or whole wheat pasta

(c) Nicole Lee 2oo9